Zion Church :: New Hope in Christ Through "Magdalena

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2015. 7. 16. 06:16 English Section

Latin America: New Hope in Christ Through 



women-children_dp01At 17 years of age, Maria was sold into marriage by her mother. Her husband kept her locked in a room to keep her from running away. When she became pregnant, he abandoned her. She married a second time, and this husband physically abused her, beating her so violently one time that her bladder ruptured. Today he is in jail. Now 27, Maria works hard to provide for her four children.

When Maria received a Magdalena DVD as a gift, she watched it with her children and two relatives. She understood for the first time that Jesus loves her and can make all things new. Not only did she come to Christ that day, but so did her children and two relatives. Maria and her children attend a weekly Bible study, and she now lives with hope as a daughter of the King.

Name changed for security

Capture from Wemen for Jesus web page

'English Section' 카테고리의 다른 글

Dokdo, Beautiful Island of Korea  (0) 2015.04.12
posted by Yaacob