Zion Church :: 'English Section/ Exposing Satan's Devices' 카테고리의 글 목록 (12 Page)

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'English Section/ Exposing Satan's Devices'에 해당되는 글 14건

  1. 2014.02.23 Satan Cast Out of Heaven

Satan Cast Out of Heaven

The Lord never meant for evil to exist. It was simply the

opposite of good, and since it takes a free will for evil to come

into existence, Satan was the first created being to exercise his

will against God. Since that time, others have followed. Satan

caused a third of heaven to fall with him by influencing other angelic

beings to make war against God (Revelation 12:4a). They

too were cast out of heaven. They have since become evil spirits

due to their choice. They now roam the earth, with Satan as their

leader and master. These invisible supernatural beings still have

power, but it is directed toward evil works of darkness.

Satan is still ruling in the earth today, not only over the evil

spirits, but also over evil men who choose the same path of rebellion

against God. He is the dark prince of this world. We can see

a glimpse of his evil wisdom, strength, glitter, and his inevitable

end by reading the previous passages. We must remember that he

has only limited power, but nevertheless he does have power, and

those who do not know him and his devices inevitably become his


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posted by Yaacob