Zion Church :: 'English Section/ Exposing Satan's Devices' 카테고리의 글 목록 (9 Page)

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'English Section/ Exposing Satan's Devices'에 해당되는 글 14건

  1. 2014.02.23 Should We Ignore Satan?

Should We Ignore Satan?

Many people say they don’t want to talk about the devil so

as not to bring any glory to him. However, the Bible does not

teach that we are to ignore the devil so he will flee, but rather we

are to resist the devil so he will flee (James 4:7).


How are we to resist the devil? We resist him by using the

Word of God against him. We must talk about the devil if we are

to understand how to overcome him and expose his evil ways. We

cannot defeat an enemy we ignore. The way in which people talk

about the devil is what causes an imbalance. If it produces fear, it

is not the Lord.


Being overly demon-conscious can cause fear. Some people

get so devil-conscious, they begin seeing demons in everyone and

everything. This is an extreme that should be avoided. Yet we

should not go to the other extreme which totally denies the existence

of the devil, demons and eternal hell.


In fact, this extreme is one of Satan’s favorite devices: the

belief that he and his horde of demons do not exist. He would like

for us to believe that he is just a myth (a silly-looking man in a red

costume with a long tail). However, he is very real, and one look

around will show us the works he is responsible for: the drug

scene, violence, sickness, sexual perversion, broken homes, hatred

among races, witchcraft, sin and division within the body of

Christ. Satan tries to escape the blame for his evil deeds by whispering

lies to people, such as, “This problem only happened because

you live in the world and these things are just part of this

world. As long as you are here you are going to have to put up

with sickness, turmoil etc.” 


However, God says: These things I

have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the

world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have

overcome the world (John 16:33). We do not have to put up

with Satan’s evil attacks against us and our loved ones; through

prayer we can overcome him just as Jesus overcame

'English Section > Exposing Satan's Devices' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Satan Cast Out of Heaven  (0) 2014.02.23
posted by Yaacob