The “voice” of the body is our feelings. We must not allow our feelings to rule us as Christians because they are not good gauges as to what truth is. Feelings tend to vary due to circumstances and outward conditions. An example of this would be when we continue to “feel” sleepy even though we have had ample sleep. If we allow those feelings to prevail, we will overindulge in sleep and the old man or the flesh will rule us. We need to check with the Holy Spirit and see what He says is the truth about the condition. The Holy Spirit will direct us to rest if we have not had ample sleep. Usually we will have had enough sleep and need to rise and pray and spend some time with Him before greeting the day. Our spirit man needs strengthening. We must give him time and not allow our lower nature to rule us.
How do we overcome a bad habit such as oversleeping? The real key lies in the soul: it is the will of man. Daily we are given the opportunity to make choices and these choices are executed by the will. Every day holds choices to serve God and walk in His
way, and thereby operate under the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ. Or, we may choose the way of “self ” which is under the
law of sin and death ruled by Satan. Deuteronomy 28 lists the blessings and the curses that befall those who make certain choices.
Look these up and see what a wonderful inheritance we receive when we walk in the Lord’s way and what terrible things befall us
when we choose Satan’s way. Deuteronomy 30:19 says, I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
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